Tuesday, October 2, 2012

October Learning Tubs

I have been collecting alphabet stickers from dollar bins to use for this tub.  Students match the sticker on the recording sheet.  It's great fine motor!

I make this into a take home book afterwards.  

I found these ghosts and spiders table scatter in the Target dollar bins.  Students roll a dice, record the number, and place that many spiders or ghosts on the workmat. 

Target also had pumpkins, bats, acorns, and leaves.  

We sorted letters and words.  Chalk works great on carpet because it comes right up.  My class loved this activity.

My fall bulletin board

We easel painted pumpkins.

I love, love, love the crows.  

We marble painted our fall leaves

This activity was created by my former room partner.  Students toss the bean on the mat and write the word on the recording sheet.

Spin and graph.  This goes along with the Jack-o-Faces book.  

Spider counting

Students look through easy reader books and record words by 2, 3, 4, and 5 letter words.  

Our bats - we used candy corn stickers for the teeth, but I haven't been able to find the stickers again.  The candy works well also.

Having fun on the iPads

Using slinkies to stretch words and record the sounds we hear.


  1. Love the chalk on carpet idea! I've never seen that before!!

  2. Thanks Amanda! My former co-worker also quickly drew a book setting on the carpet before re-enacting the story. My kids liked the change from using the pocket chart.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. wow, your class seems amazing! Just moved to the area and trying to get a transfer for my son to attend Krey Elementary. He would be so thrilled to have such a fun and interactive learning class like yours! Keep up the great work :-)
