Wednesday, September 5, 2012

iPads and Dibels

The first half of my day was very exciting.  I had applied for a grant last year to get iPads in the classroom and I got it!  Thank you BUSD Foundation!!  My iPads came after school yesterday and  my class is so excited to put them to use.  We even had a visit from our tech guy to help us get them working properly. I know what I'll be doing tonight :)

My favorite app right now is called My Name.  You can take a child's picture, type his/her name, and record the name.  Students can then practice writing their name and it only allows them to form the letters the proper way.  It's like having a teacher watch over them to help with formation.  I LOVE it!!

Then, meeting time came....Let me just say I am feeling completely overwhelmed with the thought of implementing a new assessment program.  We are now adding Dibels in addition to our other assessment.  For those of you who already use in the world to you get all your assessment done?  I need a visit from the assessment fairy...

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